ISO 27701:2019


The ISO 27701 certification confirms that an organization complies with the requirements set by the ISO 27701 standard for Privacy Information Management Systems (PIMS). It demonstrates that the organization has implemented controls and processes to protect personal information and comply with privacy laws and regulations.

The certification showcases the organization’s commitment to privacy management and helps build trust with customers, partners, and stakeholders. It assures that the organization has robust privacy practices, including policies, procedures, and risk management strategies.By obtaining the certification, organizations can differentiate themselves in the market by demonstrating their dedication to safeguarding personal data. It enables them to mitigate privacy risks, enhance data protection practices, and comply with privacy regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The certification also signifies an organization’s proactive approach to privacy, ensuring that privacy rights are respected and that personal information is handled with care and accountability, bolstering its reputation and credibility in an increasingly privacy-conscious world.


ISO 27701:2019 Certification and Auditing Services by CertPro

At CertPro, we understand the significance of data privacy and the value of ISO 27701:2019 certification for organizations dedicated to protecting personal data. We offer extensive assistance to organizations aiming for ISO 27701:2019 certification. Our team of skilled professionals will guide you through the certification process, ensuring that your organization’s data protection measures align with the latest ISO standards. We collaborate closely with your team to develop and implement a robust privacy information management system tailored to your specific needs and industry requirements.


Ensuring ISO 27701:2019 certification is essential for organizations handling personal data. CertPro’s certification services streamline the process, ensuring that your organization meets the stringent requirements of ISO 27701:2019. CertPro is a trusted and experienced provider of ISO 27701:2019 certification and auditing services. With a strong track record and deep knowledge of privacy information management, we offer compelling reasons to choose us for your ISO 27701:2019 certification needs:

                Factors CertPro Advantage
               Time to Certification 4x faster than traditional approaches
               Price Competitive rates with flexible options
               Process Streamlined and efficient methodology
               Expertise 10+ years of industry experience

CertPro’s Cost-Effective Approach to ISO 27701:2019  Certification

When considering ISO 27701:2019 certification, it’s essential to assess the associated costs, as they can vary depending on several factors. CertPro understands the need for a cost-effective approach and offers a tailored pricing structure that takes into account your organization’s specific requirements. Here’s how our approach to ISO 27701:2019 certification pricing works:

No. of employees Timeline Cost (approx.)
1 – 25 4 weeks 2500 USD
25-100 6 weeks 3500 USD
100-250 6-8 weeks 5000 USD
250 plus 8 weeks Custom plans


ISO/IEC 27701:2019 is an internationally recognized standard that provides guidelines for implementing a PIMS within the context of an organization. Published in August 2019, an extension to ISO/IEC 27001, the renowned Information Security Management System (ISMS) standard.

ISO 27701 focuses on privacy management and helps organizations address the challenges of protecting personal information in today’s digital age. It provides a comprehensive framework for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving a PIMS.The standard outlines requirements and best practices for managing privacy risks, ensuring legal compliance, and demonstrating accountability for personal data. It covers privacy policies, consent management, third-party data sharing, incident response, and employee training and awareness.

By aligning with ISO/IEC 27701:2019, organizations can establish privacy controls, enhance customer trust, and demonstrate their commitment to the responsible handling of personal information. The standard assists organizations in meeting legal and regulatory requirements, managing privacy risks, and promoting a privacy-centric culture.


Obtaining ISO 27701 certification can be done through two options:

Option A: If an organization is already certified to ISO 27001, it can pursue certification to ISO 27701 as an additional step. This option allows the organization to extend its existing ISO 27001 certification by implementing the requirements specified in ISO 27701.

Step 1: Select a certification body

  • Find a qualified certification body to conduct the audit of your organization.
  • Fill out a quote request form to receive an accurate certification proposal.

Step 2: Initial Certification Audit

  • An assessor from the certification body will visit your organization to evaluate it.
  • The assessor will check if your management system is fully operational, and has undergone management review and internal audits.

Step 3: Certification decision and issuance

  • The certification body will review the audit findings and determine if your organization meets the ISO 27701 requirements.
  • If the result is positive, the certification body will issue a certificate confirming compliance with the standard.
  • The ISO 27701 certification is typically valid for three years or until the expiry of your ISO 27001 certificate, whichever is sooner.
  • Annual surveillance audits and a full reassessment before expiration are required to maintain the certification.

Option B: Alternatively, an organization may get certification for both ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 simultaneously. It means that the organization will undergo the certification process for both standards together, demonstrating compliance with the requirements of both ISO 27001 and ISO 27701.

Achieving stand-alone ISO 27701 certification is not possible; organizations must either possess existing ISO 27001 certification or pursue certification for both standards concurrently. If your organization does not already have ISO 27001 certification, you will need to obtain ISO 27001 certification first or pursue ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 simultaneously.


The importance of ISO 27701 lies in its ability to address the growing importance of privacy management and data protection in today’s digital landscape. Here are some key reasons why ISO 27701 is significant:

  • Privacy Compliance: ISO 27701 helps organizations ensure compliance with privacy laws and regulations such as the GDPR, CCPA, and others, mitigating the risk of penalties and legal consequences.
  • Enhanced Data Protection: By implementing ISO 27701, organizations establish robust privacy controls and processes, safeguarding personal information from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure.
  • Customer Trust and Reputation: ISO 27701 certification demonstrates an organization’s commitment to protecting customer privacy, building trust, and enhancing its reputation among customers, clients, and stakeholders.
  • Competitive Advantage: ISO 27701 provides a competitive edge by differentiating an organization’s privacy and data protection. It can attract customers who value privacy-conscious businesses.
  • Risk Management: ISO 27701 helps identify and mitigate privacy risks, reducing the likelihood of data breaches, reputational damage, and financial losses associated with privacy incidents.
  • Continuous Improvement: ISO 27701 encourages a culture of continual improvement in privacy management, ensuring that organizations adapt effectively to evolving privacy threats and regulatory changes.
  • Efficient Data Handling: Implementing ISO 27701 streamlines processes, documentation, and policies related to privacy management, improving operational efficiency and enabling effective responses to privacy incidents.

ISO 27701 is establishing a comprehensive Privacy Information Management System (PIMS), safeguarding personal information, maintaining compliance, and building trust in an increasingly privacy-focused business environment.


Implementing ISO 27701 in business is a strategic decision for demonstrating a commitment to protecting personal information and managing privacy risks effectively. It involves establishing a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) that aligns with ISO 27701 requirements. The process begins with a thorough gap analysis to identify areas where existing practices fall short. The organization then develops an implementation plan that outlines the necessary steps, resources, and timelines. Ensure everyone’s understanding of their roles and responsibilities in privacy management through employee training and awareness programs.

The organization implements privacy controls and processes to safeguard personal data throughout its lifecycle. Regular internal audits assist in assessing the effectiveness of these controls and identifying areas for improvement. Finally, a certification audit by an independent body validates compliance with ISO 27701.

Implementing ISO 27701 demonstrates a commitment to privacy protection, enhances customer trust, and helps organizations comply with privacy regulations while mitigating privacy risks effectively.

The Role Involved in Implementing ISO 27701

The successful implementation of ISO 27701 requires the active involvement and commitment of various key roles within the organization.

Role Involved in Implementing ISO 27701


IRQS (Indian Register Quality Systems) plays a crucial role in standardization through its international ISO certification and training services. As a certification body, IRQS assists organizations across diverse industries in implementing and adhering to internationally recognized ISO standards. By doing so, IRQS ensures that organizations follow consistent processes, quality management systems, and best practices.

Through its accreditation by the Dutch accreditation body, Raad Voor Accreditation (RvA), IRQS further demonstrates its commitment to maintaining high standards in its certification services. This accreditation bolsters IRQS’ credibility and assures clients that their certification meets rigorous international requirements.

By offering certification under various ISO standards, IRQS helps organizations improve their performance, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Additionally, IRQS strengthens brands and fosters trust among stakeholders. Ultimately, IRQS is crucial to driving standardization by promoting consistent and quality-focused approaches in different sectors. As a result, the overall industry develops.


ISO 27701 certification requires organizations to meet requirements related to privacy and information management. While the specific requirements may vary depending on the certification body and the organization’s context, here are some common elements typically included:

  • Scope: Clearly define the scope of the Privacy Information Management System and identify the boundaries and applicability of the system within the organization.
  • Leadership and Commitment: Fostering Privacy Leadership through Policy, Roles, Responsibilities, and Resource Allocation in the PIMS
  • Privacy Risk Management: Identifying, Assessing, and Mitigating Risks in Personal Information Processing
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Establish processes to identify, interpret, and comply with applicable privacy laws, regulations, and contractual obligations.
  • Privacy Principles: Adopt and implement privacy principles such as purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity, and confidentiality.
  • Data Subject Rights: Develop procedures to address data subject rights, including the rights to access, rectify, erase, and restrict the processing of personal data.
  • Incident Management: Establish an incident management process to detect, respond to, and report privacy incidents, including breach notifications, where applicable.
  • Third-Party Management: Implement controls for managing the privacy risks associated with third-party vendors and contractors access to personal information.
  • Training and Awareness: Provide privacy awareness training to employees and ensure they know their responsibilities for protecting personal information.
  • Monitoring and Measurement: Establish monitoring processes, conduct audits, and measure the effectiveness of the PIMS to ensure its continuous improvement.

It’s important to note that these are general requirements, and organizations should refer to the ISO 27701 standard and consult with certification bodies to understand the specific requirements for certification.



ISO 27701 certification offers numerous benefits to organizations, helping them establish and maintain effective privacy information management systems. There are several key benefits for organizations:

  • Demonstrating Compliance: ISO 27701 helps organizations align with various data protection regulations, such as GDPR, CCPA, and other standards. It provides a framework for implementing necessary controls and processes, ensuring compliance, and mitigating the risk of penalties and legal consequences.
  • Enhancing Customer Trust: Certification demonstrates a commitment to protecting personal information, instilling confidence in customers that their data is maintained securely and responsibly.
  • Improving Risk Management: ISO 27701 helps identify and mitigate privacy risks, reducing the likelihood of data breaches, reputational damage, and financial losses.
  • Gaining a Competitive Advantage: Certification sets organizations apart from competitors, showcasing their commitment to privacy management and data protection, which can attract privacy-conscious customers and partners.
  • Enhancing Operational Efficiency: ISO 27701 encourages streamlined processes, documentation, and policies, improving operational efficiency in handling personal data.
  • Facilitating Data Transfers: Certification assures stakeholders that appropriate privacy controls are in place, facilitating smooth and secure data transfers between organizations.


ISO 27701 certification applies to any organization, regardless of its size, industry, or geographical location, that processes personal information and aims to establish and maintain an effective Privacy Information Management System (PIMS). And this includes organizations of all types, such as private companies, public entities, non-profit organizations, and government agencies.

Any organization that recognizes the importance of privacy management and seeks to demonstrate compliance with privacy regulations can pursue ISO 27701 certification. It is particularly relevant for organizations that handle sensitive personal data or operate in industries where privacy and data protection are critical, such as healthcare, finance, technology, and e-commerce.

Whether a small start-up or a multinational corporation, ISO 27701 provides a flexible framework for organizations with specific needs and requirements. It allows organizations to implement privacy controls, build customer trust, mitigate privacy risks, and demonstrate their commitment to the responsible handling of personal information, regardless of industry or size.


The cost of obtaining ISO 27701 certification can vary based on several factors, such as the organization’s size and complexity, the certification body selected, and the specific requirements of the certification process. Generally, the cost includes:

  • Certification Body Fees: This covers the costs associated with the certification body’s services, including the initial assessment, surveillance audits, and certification issuance.
  • Consulting and Training: Organizations often seek assistance from consultants or trainers to help them understand and implement the requirements of ISO 27701. The cost will depend on the extent of support required and the consultant’s expertise.
  • Internal Resource Allocation: Implementing ISO 27701 requires the allocation of internal resources, including time and effort from employees, to develop and maintain the Privacy Information Management System (PIMS).

Organizations should obtain detailed quotes from certification bodies and consider the associated costs, including consulting and training, when budgeting for ISO 27701 certification. The certification cost will vary based on individual circumstances, and organizations should assess the value of the certification in light of their privacy management needs and regulatory requirements.


ISO 27701 stands out as a superior standard for privacy management due to several reasons:

It is an extension of ISO 27001, a widely recognized information security standard, providing a comprehensive framework for integrating privacy and security.ISO 27701 aligns with global privacy regulations, such as the GDPR, ensuring compliance and minimizing legal risks. Additionally, it emphasizes risk management, enabling organizations to identify and address privacy risks. The standard also promotes a culture of continuous improvement through regular audits and assessments.

Overall, ISO 27701’s holistic approach, compatibility with existing standards, and focus on risk management make it a preferred choice for organizations committed to effective privacy management.


ISO 27701 certification is valid for a specific period, typically three years, once an organization is certified. The certification body conducts regular surveillance audits at this time to ensure ongoing compliance with the standard. After the initial certification period, organizations must undergo a recertification audit to renew their ISO 27701 certification. During this process, the certification body reassesses the organization’s Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) to confirm that it continues to adhere to the requirements of the ISO standard. By maintaining certification, organizations demonstrate their commitment to privacy management and assure stakeholders that their privacy practices remain up-to-date.


CertPro offers a comprehensive range of services including auditing, consulting, and certification to support businesses in attaining ISO 27701 certification. Their proficient team of auditors and consultants executes projects utilizing leading industry practices, addressing client prerequisites, and incorporating the latest technological advancements. They present all-inclusive solutions for diverse compliance requirements, starting from initial evaluations to policy formulation, employee training, and risk assessment. CertPro is dedicated to delivering optimal value to clients throughout their compliance journey, ensuring a streamlined and effective path to ISO 27701 certification. Through close collaboration, CertPro ensures clear comprehension of the compliance process and criteria, tailoring their approach to cater to individualized demands. By enlisting CertPro’s services, organizations can confidently progress towards ISO 27701 certification, bolstering data privacy and security practices.



ISO 27701 provides a framework for implementing a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS), which helps organizations meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It aligns with GDPR principles and supports organizations in managing personal data in compliance with GDPR obligations.


The time required to implement ISO 27701 varies depending on factors such as the organization’s size, complexity, existing privacy practices, and resources allocated. It can range from several months to a year or more, depending on the organization’s readiness, commitment, and available resources for implementation.


Non-compliance with ISO 27701 can result in various consequences, including reputational damage, increased risk of privacy incidents and data breaches, potential legal and regulatory penalties, loss of customer trust, and difficulties in conducting international data transfers due to non-compliance with privacy requirements.


Yes, ISO 27701 is integrated with other management systems, such as ISO 27001 (information security) and ISO 9001 (quality management). The integration allows for a cohesive approach to managing privacy, security, and quality, maximizing efficiency, and reducing duplication of efforts in implementing and maintaining multiple systems.


Yes, ISO 27701 requires organizations to maintain specific documentation, including a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) policy, documented processes and procedures, records of personal information processing activities, and evidence of compliance with privacy obligations and requirements.

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